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Emotions of Jesus

Greeting and salty talons (saluations) to everyone! Won't be long before we will be out in the garden breaking out a sweat! Yea! Planted some blueberrys today. It will take a year for them to produce. My tulips are beginning to show their color. by next couple of weeks they should be showing their glory.

Thanks to Jeoff Mabe in the direction of this lesson. Another will follow dealing with 2 other emotions of Christ. Hope you enjoy - Kirk

Emotions of Jesus #1 Heb. 4:15 If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you'll be at rest.
I. Introduction
A. If you were to draw a mental picture of how Jesus appeared what comes to mind?
1. Most pictures represent him as an emotionless being like Dr. Spock of Startrek.
B. The scriptures reveal a wide variety of emotions displayed by Jesus.
1. Presents him exerting zealousness (cleansing the temple).
2. His Compassion as he Weeps over Jerusalem & with Lazarus’ friends.
3. His Anxiety as he was Troubled or greatly disturbed (in the garden).
4. His pleasure - Happiness or joy (Jn. 17:13).
5. His Love (Jn. 13:34).
II. Emotions are circuits which channel information causing a reaction.
A. Every person’s mood changes depending upon how they interpret what is seen or heard.
1. Hear about an accident, bombing, tornado. See one - different emotions.
2. Hear about a wedding, birthday party, birth of a baby. See one - more intense.
3. Hear of a Church split, family feud, error being preached. If its happening about you - terribly upsetting.
4. Being lied about, child abuse, see gas price increase. All these enrage whether seen or heard.
B. Being Christ-like we channel information differently than those in the world (2 Cor. 3:18).
1. Man cussing and swearing because poor parking situation at hospital.
2. We Agape, the world lusts.
3. Story about N.B. Hardeman & A.G. Freed. Hardeman was having great difficulty with his horse one day and was really getting on the horse. Brother Freed saw what was happening and said, “Hardeman watch that temper.” To which Brother Hardeman replied, “Brother I have handled more anger in 15 minutes than you have handled in a whole life time.” If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you'll be at rest.
III. Knowing Jesus was an emotional person should improve my Christian conduct.
A. Regardless what emotional state I am in, I know Jesus has been there.
B. He has left me ample information about processing these emotions in a correct way.
IV. In this lesson let us observe three emotions of Jesus.
A. Zealousness - righteous zeal, enthusiasm - The emotion to do spiritual things right because there is a right way to do them.
1. This emotion can be abused and turned into fanaticism. Fanaticism, will go to any measure to bring about change, i.e.. threats, abuse, killing. (Saul, before he became the apostle Paul was fanatical).
2. But true zealousness prompts one into actions of divine calling.
a. We are called to be holy - as Christ was (1 Pet. 1:15, 16; Ps. 16:10).
b. We are called unto peace - (Matt. 5:9) - Jesus (Eph. 2:14-16).
c. We are called servants - (Matt. 20:25-28)
d. We are called unto unity - (Mk. 3:23-25; Jn. 17:19-23).
e. We are called to preach repentance (Mk. 6:20; Lk. 24:46-49).
f. We are called to love one another (Jn. 13:34, 35) Jesus sacrificed.
3. And since we are called saints, children of light, - Christians - we must perform these spiritual works not with lip service, but zealously - in spirit and in truth.
4. As we imitate the zealous emotion of Jesus let us do spiritual things right because there is a right way to do them. If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you'll be at rest.

B. Many times the Bible writers spoke of the compassion of Jesus.
1. It is illustrated by his groaning over Jerusalem, tears at Lazarus’ tomb, healings of the multitude, feeding of the thousands.
2. We might call compassion, 'tears that make a difference.' (Lk. 7:11-16 widow/Nain)
3. Webster. Compassion – “Sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it.”
4. The world does not understand Bible compassion for example: if you agree with homosexuality, you are compassionate. If you disagree, you are not only lacking compassion, you are a homophobe. Also, according to the world, supporting certain politically correct medical issues and research makes one compassionate. Consider this, the world says that you are compassionate if you fund AIDS research at a much higher level than such things as breast cancer and leukemia, EACH of which kills more people per year than AIDS. Is not AIDS spread primarily by behavior? You don’t get breast cancer and leukemia by sleeping around. Other than in situations involving blood transfusions, you generally don’t get AIDS except through sexual activity. So why is it compassion to over fund AIDS research? Thing is, it is the politically correct thing to do.
5. When the Bible says that Jesus had compassion, it was not mere sympathy or feeling badly. He was compassionate enough to make a difference in their life. He healed, raised the dead, brought sight to blind. He was active in their sorrow.
6. But above all this, he die for them. He was going to be humiliated by them and for them. But not just for them, but for the whole world who knew him not (Rom. 5:8). What drove Jesus to the cross - His compassion for humanity, the object of God’s affection. He didn’t just have empathy regarding our hopeless situation. He did something about it.
7. We are exhorted to weep/rejoice (Rom. 12:15) shed tears that make a difference in another’s life. Groaning and yearning to help is of no avail if nothing is done to alleviate the suffering (2 Cor. 1:3, 4). We must be compassionate enough to preach the gospel for this is man’s greatest need. If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you'll be at rest.

C. The third emotion of Jesus I wish to observe is that of an anxious or troubled spirit (Lk. 22:39-44)
1. Jesus burdened? Sweating bullets? Agonizing? Stomach all knotted up? Yes!
2. He felt that sinking feeling as he looked about his disciples and asked “Will you also go away?” (JN. 6:67).
3. He faced death as you and I face it, trusting in God but shaking in our boots. We worry about the loved ones we will leave behind, he the disciples. We worry about the way we are going to die - he knew and still groaned in his spirit.
4. Just because you know that all will be well with our soul does not mean we fear death or pains which involve living. What we do have is hope. And that hope keeps us moving forward, one day at a time, because this hour may be our last. Let’s live it to the fullest to bring God the glory!
If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you'll be at rest.

V. Now that we see that Jesus is not some cardboard person, what lessons can we learn.
A. I am being like Christ when I get all excited about doing spiritual things right.
1. In the mist of the assembly I will sing praise to your name (Heb. 2:12). When I see Jesus singing, smiling, and being enthusiastic in worship it will change my attitude and outlook during assembly time.
2. I won’t feel badly when trying to correct false teaching.
B. I am being like Christ when I act compassionately.
1. As I feed the poor, wait on the sick, assist the helpless without expecting anything in return I am illustrating the compassion of Christ. For this Jesus says great is your reward for even just a cup of water given in my name is noticed in heaven. Remember, compassion is tears which make a difference.
C. I know I am Christlike when I groan in my spirit and troubled over things of great concern.
1. Pain and suffering comes to us all. It helps us pray as we ought. It draws us nearer to our God. It makes me look beyond my pain and see the need of my neighbor who also is in distress. It helps me minister to others as I should.

A. We close with this text Heb. 4:14-16
B. Are your emotions getting away from you - cast all your care upon him for he cares for you. If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you'll be at rest.

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